As a magazine website, we strive to provide relevant and trustworthy information to small business owners in the UK. Topics covered include information on support towards small businesses and how to obtain legal aid for business owners.

If you think you can be a benefit as a writer for the Second Wednesday Magazine, contact us on our contact page for more information on how to apply as a writer.

Applicants will need to have a vast knowledge of how small businesses operate in the UK and how they can obtain support and legal aid. As many small UK businesses are looking for ways to grow their investments without having the funds good knowledge of how small business support works, it is vital for us to consider the applicant.

We have a large focus on legal aid and legal advice towards small businesses. Applying for a role as a writer at Second Wednesday Magazine, a writer will need to have extensive knowledge of business law and be able to research and inform readers on how to obtain legal aid for their businesses.

To learn more about how to become a writer for Second Wednesday Magazine and what the magazine is all about, contact us on our contact page. We may request example works about business support and legal aid.